Practitioner Kit


Self-trainers and professionals use the Practitioner Kit to bring balanced coherence to the mind, body, and emotions and to elevate the spirit. 


Through pattern attainment cues in the self-training program and guided Awakened Mind meditations available in the Meditation Center, the kit's EEG, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) sensors unfailingly guide people to the body-mind relaxation of deep, profound meditation, peak performance, and transcendence. Within the open, flowing awareness of the subconscious mind, meditators find creative solutions to challenges and in the process learn to quiet, clear, sharpen, and master their minds and lives.


Training with all three of the kit's body-mind sensors self-regulates health and enhances creativity, insight, and spiritual awareness.

the self-training program

The Mind Mirror's self-training program, with its wide selection of ideal brainwave patterns, audio rewards, and variable challenge levels, enables the brain to adjust itself to optimal states of consciousness the quick and scientific way. A statistical column chart, average brainwave pattern display, and Summary Plot reveal your best patterns and when you reached them.


Visit this page for details on our award-winning self-training program and the neurofeedback/biofeedback data analysis tools provided in this kit.


Forty years of research with the Mind Mirror proves that any normal person can attain creative flow and peak performance. Read the Research and what people say. And then surf with us on the brainwaves of conscious evolution. Visit the Mind Mirror Portal to learn about our automated data processing, Meditation Viewer, and much more.

What's Included In The Practitioner Kit?

Vilistus Mind Mirror neurofeedback/biofeedback device
Vilistus Mind Mirror dual-channel EEG sensor
Vilistus Mind Mirror Galvanic Skin Response meter
Vilistus Mind Mirror - Blood Volume Pulse meter


The Practitioner Kit includes everything you need to get started:

  • a 4-channel neurofeedback/biofeedback device
  • a dual-channel EEG sensor with five electrodes
  • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter
  • Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) meter
  • 40 extra electrodes (all shown above from left to right)
  • 50 pre-gelled electrodes for easy ground-wire placement
  • extender cable
  • paste
  • gel
  • hard-shell carry case  
Practitioner Kit Catalog.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 362.5 KB

The Mind Mirror Practitioner Kit

Price:  $2695.00

Plus shipping

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Optional Add-Ons (see below)

* Mind Mirror Features Pack:  $230.00

* Dry Electrodes Kit: $129

The Mind Mirror Features Pack

The Mind Mirror Features Pack is an add-on software package, offered at a cost of $200. It includes:

  • Coherence Reports showing interhemispheric brainwave coherence in four different formats;
  • The Pattern Editor, which allows you to self-train brainwave patterns of your own design;
  • Resonant Frequency Tuning with the BVP sensor for increasing heart coherence and heart-rate variability;
  • The Emotional State (ES) Meter, derived from simultaneous use of a GSR and Temperature sensor, for monitoring client wakefulness and self-training relaxed, attentive awareness;
  • Voice Synchronization, which records verbal meditation guidance or notes into the session.

dry electrodes kit

The Dry Electrodes Kit consists of four leads that plug into the Vilistus EEG sensor and allow for a saline-based hookup with no skin prep or clean-up after the session. Watch a video.

Can I measure more people simultaneously?

Yes, you can use the Practitioner Kit to measure more people up to four people simultaneously on EEG or a combination of EEG and physiology sensors. The unit has four ports, so you could measure: 

  • 1 person with EEG, GSR and BVP
  • 2 people with EEG and GSR or BVP
  • up to 4 people with EEG or GSR or BVP

Package for two people:

add an optional available dual-channel EEG sensor, GSR and/or BVP

Package for up to four people:

add up to three additional dual-channel EEG sensors or GSR or BVP


The Mind Mirror 6 is a research-grade, FDA-exempt neurofeedback/biofeedback device that helps people guide themselves into an optimal meditation state and a variety of higher-state brainwave patterns. It is not intended to cure ill health or any type of pathology. Please consult a qualified physician regarding medical matters.


People who are subject to the following conditions should undertake deep meditation only with permission from a medical doctor or psychotherapist:

  • epilepsy
  • heart attack or stroke
  • brain injury
  • mental disability
  • substance addiction
  • psychosis, depression, trauma or dissociation
  • pregnancy

Should alpha-theta meditation training stir up repressed memories that feel overwhelming to you, we recommend that you contact a certified Awakened Mind Practitioner or psychotherapist for assistance.